In light of Multiply’s recent release of its North American church planting element (formerly known as C2C), the USMB Leadership Board has determined by unanimous vote to end the formal partnership with Multiply for church planting in the U.S., effective immediately. This decision was made with appreciation for the concerted efforts of Multiply to engage in U.S. church planting over the past three years.
As a result, a USMB Church Planting Task Force has been created to help determine next steps, structures and support for USMB church planting. With significant changes anticipated, please be assured that we (USMB national, along with district and MB agency leaders) view church planting just as crucially important as ever before. Although final determinations about how to move forward have not yet been completed, it’s likely that districts, local MB churches, USMB national and other MB agencies will all have a vital role in this collective vision and in the work of birthing new MB churches. An October 2 USMB Church Planting Task Force meeting in Phoenix will include discussions for more detailed plans and proposals going forward.
As Multiply shifts to re-focus on MB global mission, which includes North America, USMB stands committed to supporting and championing that mission and our international missionaries. In the U.S., it is our understanding that Multiply will now focus on assisting in cross-cultural ministry with immigrant diasporic churches, as well as continuing short-term mission training programs through invested local MB churches. USMB leaders support this functional and practical application of Multiply’s cross-cultural expertise.
Unexpected change happens. Our confidence is in our Lord and Savior; it’s his church and his mission. May he find us faithful as we proceed with his wisdom for new ideas and renewed passion for reaching those who don’t yet know him.
Don Morris, USMB national director
David Hardt, USMB Leadership Board chair