USMB expands staff


Director of Development added to USMB staff

CL staff report

The U.S. Mennonite Brethren Leadership Board has created a new national staff position, the director of development. This staff member will be responsible for coordinating public relations, designing and implementing fund development programs and strengthening connections with churches and partner agencies.

Executive Director Ed Boschman says that adding a director of development will allow other staff to focus energy in areas of gifting and ministry priority. In addition, he says, “We have lived the last several years on the edge of budget survival and would look forward to having deeper resources with which to augment our national ministry capacities.”

With the creation of this position, the number of denominational staff positions expands to nine, including the new part-time social media coordinator, currently filled by Justin Salters, and the part-time Slavic ministries director, yet unfilled. For more information, contact Boschman at


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