2013 fiscal year finishes with positive balance
USMB press release
BAKERSFIELD, Calif.—USMB ended its 2013 fiscal year with a strong positive balance and is now able to move forward in 2014 with its aggressive vision to plant six new churches a year and 60 churches in 10 years.
“We are pleased to be able to reassure our partner districts and specifically their district ministers and church planting boards that we can move ahead with passion and confidence,” says Steve Schroeder, Leadership Board chair. “We are deeply thankful that significant fund raising efforts by both Don Morris, MUSA director, and Ed Boschman, USMB executive director, resulted in generosity by God's people and partner churches.”
USMB is in the process of shifting from a fiscal year that runs from June 1 to May 31 to a calendar fiscal year. As part of this shift, the national conference had a seven-month fiscal year, from June 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013.
“We want to celebrate that God has provided a surplus from last year that will help us continue ministry full-speed ahead,” says Boschman. “We anticipate the opportunity to continue our mission in 2014 beyond what we previously thought would be possible.”

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