USMB Youth adopts new name

USMB NextGen is the new name of the national youth board as it focuses on leaders


USMB Youth has announced a name change to USMB NextGen, effective in January 2023. The change was made to better reflect the mission of the national youth board.

In 2021, the USMB Leadership Board approved a recommendation from USMB Youth to fund the Leadership Pipeline, a new leadership development program that finds, nurtures and equips the next generation of leaders. The Leadership Pipeline joins the National Youth Worker Network that serves youth workers and ASCENT, the annual summer camp for high school students.

The name change, which affects branding only, better reflects the mission of USMB Youth, as two of its three ministry areas involve leaders instead of youth.

“We still love and are for teenagers and our focus has shifted slightly to more intentionally come alongside our USMB churches to provide opportunities to further equip and invest in the leaders who are and will be impacting the teenagers and the entire local church body,” Kyle Goings, USMB NextGen chair, says in a blog post.


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