Utah church plant makes connections at Easter


Easter Sunday events draw dozens of people

Mission USA news story

The church plant core team for The GreenHouse, a USMB church plant in Saratoga Springs, Utah, led by Jason and Nicole Quiring, is making connections with their community.

Easter Sunday, 28 people went up the hill close to the Quiring’s home for a time of worship and sharing. Quiring spoke about beauty coming from failure and life coming from death using John 12:23-28 and other New Testament passages that “all point clearly to the person, work and sacrifice of Jesus being complete.”  

Nicole used colored plastic eggs filled with symbols of the story of Christ’s death and resurrection to share the Easter story with children who were present. “This story is taken for granted in many of our churches but takes on a whole deeper meaning here in Utah,” says Quiring, referring to this predominantly Mormon state.

When the group returned to the Quiring’s house another dozen people joined them for a brunch. “It was so fun to sense and hear people's surprise at how welcoming our core team was. I was so proud of how the gospel is taking root in our core people,” says Quiring.   

The GreenHouse is a partnership plant of Henderson (Neb.) MB Church, Fairview (Okla.) MB Church, New Hopedale (Okla.) MB Church, the Pacific District MB Conference and Mission USA.—Mission USA


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