West Coast Mennonite Relief Sale raises funds for MCC

The 2018 sale raised nearly $173,000 for world relief

The West Coast Mennonite Relief Sale is held on the Fresno Pacific University campus in Fresno, California.

Fifty-one years and going strong! The West Coast Mennonite Relief Sale brought together people from all over the Central Valley of California and beyond to raise nearly $173,000 to support aide and relief efforts of Mennonite Central Committee around the world.



Despite intermittent rain, crowds enjoyed delicious foods such as smoked tri-tip, eggrolls, locally-made German sausage, tacos, homemade ice cream and the always popular zwieback and verenika.

Salegoers has the opportunity to purchase fair-trade items (sponsored by local NPO Tagua), plants, used books and vintage items.


Crowds could also bid on any of the 230-plus quilts, comforters, antiques and other handiwork donated to the sale.

MCC supporters young and old even learned to tie comforters and assembled school kits, readying them for shipment by MCC around the world.—WCMRS news story


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