Who is our Father?

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”  (Matt. 6:9)

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In this verse, the word “our” speaks for many people and all who accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. “Our Father in heaven” has come to give us eternal life. On the cross, Jesus becomes the ultimate sacrifice for each one of us.

Especially on hard days, I trust the Lord to be my Savior and Deliverer. He became my Father when I surrendered my life to him. In my brokenness and depression, he heard my prayer. He has come to live in my heart forever. I trust him because he never fails me. Many times, I fail him and take my life into my own hands. However, he never gives up on me and his Spirit lives within me.

“Our Father” continues to love us at our lowest points. The great thing is, he is our Father, regardless of our financial status, race, sinful past and life failures. He loves us, and he meets us where we are in life.

When I was so broken and felt that I had no hope, the Lord let me know that I have been forgiven for my sins, and that his love has covered every one of them. Knowing this should give each one of us the assurance that if God can forgive us and our sins, he can and will forgive others for their sins.

I had to learn to forgive myself and to get beyond my past. As our sinful pasts continue to show up and try to convince us that we are not enough, “our Father” reminds us that our repented sins have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, and never to return again (Micah 7:19).

Now let’s consider the words, “your name.” I have learned that at “your name,” bondages are broken, (John 8:36) and people are healed (Psalm 147:3). “Your name” heals people physically, spiritually and emotionally. I personally know this to be true because of my past experiences. Now, I stand in God’s promises.

When I call on the name of Jesus, I can feel a calm assurance that he is present. He allows me to remove my mask and be transparent. At times in life, we all pretend to have it all together. However, if the truth be told, we all experience sadness, loss and loneliness. Many of us feel that we have to be strong for so many people, while at the same time we are experiencing our own seasons of hurt and doubt.

During these seasons of hurt and doubt, I have learned—and I am learning—that I can come in the name of the Lord, and he comes full force, like a lion, and restores me. His mercy and goodness assure me that I shall see his glory in every situation of my life, including my troubled times. I have this assurance because he has been a friend like no other.  God is worthy of my trust and praises.

He is the Comforter in my battles and gives me victory over every issue in my life. His name should always be hallowed and honored! We are not alone, and on the days that we feel scared, troubled, alone or broken, remember, he will always hold us close when we simply call on his name.

Cliniece Bradshaw is associate pastor at The Life Center, Lenoir, N.C.


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