Why are we doing all of this? Why do we have Mennonite Brethren churches? Why invest to develop leaders or provide training programs that are about helping leaders do what they do better? Why have MB schools?
Why do we keep paying for church buildings, paying monthly utilities and upkeep? Why do we hire pastors and ministry leaders? Why do we have a USMB national conference and staff? Why conferences and conventions? Why do we supply district ministers and district operations and ministries?
Why do we support Multiply’s local and global mission or help fund ICOMB (the International Community of Mennonite Brethren) and the Historical Commission? Why bother with USMB Youth or even assisting/connecting with other Anabaptist agencies?
Why hassle with watching online services if we can’t gather face-to-face? Why provide food to families in need during the pandemic? Why children’s programs or VBS? Why write articles and books and responses to theological questions and concerns? Why tithe?
Why invest funds with MB Foundation so they can make ministry loans? Why do we have a National Strategy Team? Why develop a new church planting plan? Why worry about what other MB churches are doing?
Why bother to take an elderly neighbor to a doctor’s appointment? Why sing songs, hymns and spiritual songs? Why attend church to begin with? Why spend time reading the Bible? Why join a small group with other people? Why take cookies to the neighbors next door and thus begin a connection with them?
Why pray for people? Why care about other people? Why?
I pray and hope we know why. How would you answer for yourself? Take some time to write down your answer.
Don Morris is the USMB national director. He and his wife, Janna, live in Edmond, Oklahoma, where they attend Cross Timbers Church.