Spotlight: Good News Fellowship

Good News Fellowship participates in Ferndale's Old Settlers' Parade.

Good News Fellowship Church

Ferndale, Washington

Established: 1980

Pacific District Conference

Attendance: 85


Lead Pastor: Luke LeViere
Family Discipleship Coordinator: Melodie Kirk
Secretary: Cheryl Von Metnetz

Our congregation in three words:

Missional, Compassionate, Steadfast

How can we pray for Good News Fellowship Church:

  • Pray for our church, especially our students, to be healthy, godly examples of what it means to live a blessed, joy-filled life with Jesus. May the fruit of the Spirit overflow in our lives.
  • Pray for effectiveness in sharing Jesus with all people in our area. Pray for Jesus to set households in our neighborhoods free from the idols of this world.
  • Pray for families who are experiencing relational brokenness, economic stress and addictions.
  • Pray for continued growth in discipleship for all ages.
  • Pray for our staffing positions to be filled with God’s chosen candidates.
  • Pray for our leader, that they lead with humility, grace, courage and wisdom.

Good News Fellowship Church in pictures

GNF partnered with other Ferndale churches to host a drive through Bethlehem Experience in December. GNF’s scene depicted the angels visiting the shepherds. 

GNF’s community is rapidly growing as young families move into the area. Pastor LeViere says, “Our biggest area of need is wisdom and effectiveness in reaching those families.” Photo: GNF’s Halloween outreach.

GNF hosts Summer Adventure Camp for children.

When the community experienced a major flood, GNF served as an emergency shelter when hundreds of people were forced to leave their homes. GNF helped with cleanup and preparation for damage assessors.

GNF is a church plant of neighboring Birch Bay Bible Community Church. GNF was started by a small group families who wanted to reach households in their area with the good news of Jesus. “Like many USMB churches, the church’s founding was a labor of love both in loving and serving people and building the facility with our own hands,” says pastor Luke LeViere. Photo is from a recent vision meeting.

GNF recently sent a team of seven to Malawi where two congregants have started a non-profit mission called Living Water Malawi. They work with a local pastor and school. A week before their trip a devastating cyclone hit Malawi. The team of seven brought 16 large suitcases packed with medical supplies and clothing. They served, prayed and shared the love of Jesus with kids and their parents.

GNF church barbecue at a local park.
GNF volunteers, young and old, help to clean a local public playground.


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