New ASCENT location “wows”
Now in its fifth year, ASCENT—USMB NextGen’s summer camp for high school students—carried the unofficial theme “new” in 2024. A new location, new band,...
Gathering 2024 highlights staff changes
USMB Gathering 2024, held July 23-27, in Omaha, Nebraska, marked transitions in national conference staff. Aaron Box, a USMB pastor from Eugene, Oregon, was...
A season of transition
USMB Gathering 2024 marked significant staff transitions with the commissioning of a new national director and three staff retirements.
Aaron Box, a USMB pastor from...
Delegates votes on recommendations
The business agenda at the 35th U.S. Conference of MB Churches National Convention involved elections, voting on three recommendations and hearing a financial update...
Shining bright and paddling together
Three keynote speakers highlighted the national convention theme of “Salt and light: Faithful living in a secular culture.”
Kluth shares seven tips for generosity
Brian Kluth,...
Testimonies emphasize God’s goodness, guidance
Each Gathering 2024 worship session included a testimony from someone that attends a USMB church. Many attendees reported in their Gathering 2024 evaluation that...
Workshops equip, resource and encourage participants
The 150 or so National Convention attendees that chose to attend Friday afternoon workshops gave high ratings to the presentations they heard. Hour-long workshops...
Pastors’ Conference focuses on faithfulness
Nearly 130 pastors and spouses attended the National Pastors’ Conference July 23-25, 2024, that featured four sessions with Gary Hoag, president and CEO of...