USMB offers a plethora of resources

USMB takes seriously its mandate to equip pastor, churches

LEAD One events are one-day, high-impact events presented by USMB for church leaders or teams of leaders. In 2018, Terry Hunt, pictured, was a key presenter in a series of LEAD One events focused on racial reconciliation.

Are you aware of the plethora of resources that USMB provides for pastors and churches? “Plethora” is defined as “an ample quantity or amount; a relative degree of plentifulness.” The number of offerings for growth, training, discipleship and education are indeed plentiful.

LEAD Initiatives: The number of LEAD initiatives has grown over the years. Standing for Leadership Education and Development, LEAD got its start with LEAD One events which are regional, one-day interactive leadership training events presented by USMB for church leaders or teams of leaders. LEAD One events provide an opportunity to learn more about a specific theme or topic in a relaxed and casual setting. These events help build networks where pastors can be encouraged, share ideas and build lasting relationships.

LEAD Cohorts are online meeting places for small groups of Mennonite Brethren pastors and leaders—or anyone interested in learning more about a specific topic or gathering with like-minded people. LEAD Cohorts are free to all participants. They typically last three months and meet online every two weeks for about an hour. New cohort lineups are provided each winter/spring and fall.

LEAD Coaching is an intentional, ongoing life-on-life relationship that empowers the person being coached to realize their full potential, purpose, confidence, courage, joy and vocational accomplishment. The coaching process involves exploring where a person is currently and creating a map to where they want to be. Coaches are skilled at intuitively listening, asking powerful questions, defining goals, helping develop relevant action plans and providing accountability and support. There is a cost for this service.

LEAD Pods are the official USMB podcast devoted to leadership development and spiritual growth for Mennonite Brethren. This is Menno-nite Brethren sharing ideas with other Mennonite Brethren beyond. It’s “the best of us to the rest of us.” More than 60 episodes have been recorded so far.

The resources page on the USMB website ( is filled with book recommendations, videos and articles about numerous topics and issues that Mennonite Brethren face in everyday ministry settings.

The new Leadership Pipeline identifies, invests and empowers leaders for vocational ministry by providing ministry internships in partnership with USMB churches and organizations throughout North America, largely through a website focusing on these connections. Visit to learn more.

Online webinars are offered on a timely basis and address important and relevant issues for pastors and leaders. A recent webinar covered pastor/leader fatigue and burnout and provided ideas for how people in ministry can flourish and find rest for their bodies, minds and souls.

The purpose of Christian Leader, the bimonthly USMB magazine mailed free to regular attendees of USMB churches, is to draw USMB churches together, disciple and inspire readers for action and direct the USMB family toward a unified vision that focuses on the three core commitments of evangelism and church planting, intentional discipleship and leadership development. The CL staff also publish C-Link, a biweekly news digest that offers breaking news and updates from MB and inter-Mennonite agencies and ministries. C-Link is free, and you can sign up at

One role of the USMB Board of Faith and Life centers on our Mennonite Brethren identity and clarity on how we live on mission. This board asks: How do we read the Scriptures? What is God calling us to do? How do we make a difference in the world? A robust pamphlet series addresses issues of significance for the church living in the 21st-century world. These 10 helpful leaflets can be found on the USMB website at

More resources are available than listed in this article. But this list demonstrates that USMB is serious about providing useful tools for pastors, ministry leaders and churches in order to help each local MB church reach its full, God-given ministry potential within the framework of our evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives.


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