Colombian MBs call for prayer


MB congregations impacted by violence in La Esperanza community

MWC press release

 “We know that in many places throughout the world there is war, violence and hunger.” With this acknowledgement, Mennonite partners working for peace and justice in Colombia call on Anabaptist-related brothers and sisters around the world to pray for La Esperanza community in Colombia — and “that God’s salvation and peace become a reality throughout the world.”

A FARC guerrilla commando entered the Colombian town of La Esperanza April 13, 2015, and attacked members of the Colombian army.

The incident, in which 11 soldiers were killed and 23 wounded, nearly halted peace negotiations between the government and the FARC. It introduced a new level of uncertainty and stigmatization for the members of the Mennonite Brethren congregation in town, some of whom live next to the site of violence.

In early January 2016, the Mennonite Brethren churches of the Cauca and Valle region of Colombia and three Anabaptist organizations working for justice, peace and reconciliation in Colombia request that Anabaptist congregations circulate a letter and prayer for hope. (“La Esperanza” means “hope” in Spanish).

The Psalm for Hope says, “We thank you, loving God, because (our Mennonite Brethren brothers and sisters) continue with their social action and uphold the vision of encouraging and collaborating with the wider community in overcoming the problems that affect their lives. At the same time, they emphasize the encouragement they receive from knowing that there are brothers and sisters elsewhere in Colombia and throughout the world who remember them and pray for them.”

Click here to download the complete letter and psalm.

“We think it very important that the larger community of faith in Colombia and throughout the world be informed and surround these sisters and brothers in prayer,” write leaders Francisco Mosquera, Mennonite Brethren Church, Valle and Cauca Region of Colombia; Ricardo Pinzón, Fundación Mencoldes; Jenny Neme, Justapaz; and Pablo Stucky, CEAS. They also invite letters of encouragement and solidarity.

Photo provided by MWC: People from the town of La Esperanza, Colombia, enjoy their community sports arena that in April 2015 was occupied by the Colombian Army which was then attacked by the FARC guerrilla.



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