Tabor College board endorses bold initiatives

Board of Directors affirm three “transformational” recommendations

Tabor College is the Mennonite Brethren institution located in Hillsboro, Kansas.

The Tabor College Board of Directors made some bold decisions, laying a foundation for a new and emerging Tabor College by embracing three transformational initiatives during their October meetings.

The board strongly affirmed the new business model, which increases the value received for the cost.

The new model establishes a new set of mission margin formula metrics that will be reported in the college’s new dashboard and a new student value proposition. The student value proposition is summarized in the Tabor Promise and Tabor Advantage.

The Tabor Promise: If you attend Tabor, we promise that you will (1) be encouraged to place Christ at the center of all you do; (2) be asked to pursue excellence in academics, athletics and the arts; (3) be prepared for the real world; and (4) be made aware of your place in God’s kingdom.

The Tabor Advantage: The advantages of attending Tabor over another college are that you will (1) understand your career as a calling; (2) be able to obtain a double major in four years; (3) have the opportunity to complete a degree in three years; and (4) learn and practice leadership.

“The student value proposition communicates a clear direction, creates a distinctiveness and describes the Tabor Experience,” says President Jules Glanzer. “The Promise and Advantage come after four years of working on a new business model that prepares Tabor for a strong and sustainable future.”

Susan Koslowsky, chair of the Tabor College board, says, “I’m excited about the Tabor Promise and Tabor Advantage. The focus on Christ, excellence, leadership and value not only prepares our students for their vocation but also focuses on Tabor’s mission of preparing them for a life of service to his kingdom.”

To address enrollment and retention growth, the college approved the concept of an all-inclusive pricing model. The price to attend Tabor will include tuition, room, board, books, all fees and accident insurance. All institutional (scholarships) and federal aid and loans are subtracted from the one price. The new pricing model includes the elimination of tuition overload fees, credit card fees and a host of typical college add-ons.

“No more nickel-and-diming of our students—the invoice will be simple and easy to understand,” says Glanzer. “The all-inclusive pricing model also addresses a growing need to provide access to all students.”

The board also approved moving forward with a student housing plan to replace or upgrade all student housing in the next 10 years. A task force has been at work creating a plan to replace or upgrade all student housing.

“We are committed to making the Tabor experience and our student housing a compelling place to enjoy college that is safe, comfortable, convenient, current and connecting,“ says Glanzer. “The new Tabor that is emerging has come about organically as over the past four years faculty, administration, staff and board have discussed how to address the various issues related to higher education.

“The national conversation about the rising cost, high debt, value of an education, making a college education free and the possibility of losing our religious exemptions and freedoms have caused us to look seriously at our business model and work to prepare Tabor for a strong and sustainable future.,” Glanzer says.  “I am pleased to see the result of the hard work of so many in creating a new Tabor that will be prepared for the future.”



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