Confessing God

An antiphonal reading from the USMB Confession of Faith

Photo: Lightstock

Hear, O people:

The LORD our God, the LORD is one!

Almighty in power,

perfect in wisdom,

righteous in judgment,

overflowing in steadfast love.

The LORD is our Sovereign,

who reigns over all things visible and invisible.

The Lord is our Shepherd,

who rescues the lost and the helpless.

The LORD is consuming fire, perfect in holiness.

The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in tender mercy.

Holy and pure is the Father in all his ways!

Creator of heaven and earth,

in whom we live and move and have our being;

who hears us when we pray,

who opens to us the way of salvation,

who unites us in the one family of faith.

Holy and true is the Son in all his ways!

Image of the invisible God,

eternal Word who was made flesh,

conceived of the Holy Spirit,

born of the virgin Mary

to be Servant of all and Lord of all.


Made like us in every way, yet without sin,

    he suffered, was crucified and buried,

and was raised to new life on the third day.

Savior of the world,

who loves us with an everlasting love,

who reveals the fullness of the Father,

who intercedes for us his followers,

and calls us to be his witnesses

until he returns in glory to judge the world.

Holy and wise is the Spirit in all his ways!

Power and presence of God

divine Gift to all God’s people,

who convicts us of sin, gives us the new birth,

guides us into all truth.

Enriches us with gifts for service,

and cultivates the fruit of maturity.

Divine Comforter and Counselor,

who prays for us when we do not know how,

who baptizes us into the one body,

who gives a foretaste of the glory to come.

Blessed be the name of the LORD!

Blessed be the name of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Spirit,

one God forever and ever! Amen.


Article 1: God, Confessing Together: Readings for Congregational Worship

Based on the 1999 Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith


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