MB Foundation reports increase in total assets


USMB stewardship ministry releases 2013 report

MB Foundation news release

MB Foundation finished the 2013 fiscal year with an increase in several financial categories that ultimately lead to increased resources for ministry.

  • Total assets increased by 10 percent to a 2013 total just over $153,400,000. Ten years ago, total assets were $47,319,000, representing growth of over 220 percent during the past decade.
  • While interest rates are at historic lows, MB Foundation is still able to offer attractive rates ranging from 1.25 percent to 2.25 percent on term certificates. Investments in the Certificate Program help fund the Loan Program, which had a portfolio size of over $64 million spread among 93 borrowers.
  • There were $15 million new gifts received in 2013, the second highest total since 2006. Of that $15 million, over $2.2 million was distributed in accordance with the donor’s recommendations to ministries and charities. Donors gave a variety of gifts such as stocks, business interests, real estate, wheat, organic almonds, corn silage and a coin collection.
  • More than 200 different non-profits benefited from the generosity of MB Foundation donors.
  • Fund Management services continue to grow as new services and money managers are offered. The standard endowment portfolio returned 14.52 percent in 2013, improving on last year’s return of 12.52 percent.

Regarding the growth in total assets, MBF President Jon C. Wiebe says, “This represents a faithful God, faithful donors, a faithful church family and a faithful staff.

“It also represents a lot of trust,” says Wiebe. “God entrusts resources to us and it takes trust in God to turn them back to him. Finding a partner you can trust to walk beside you on that journey is important. We are pleased so many have selected MB Foundation to help them fuel ministry”.

To view the complete 2013 Annual Report, visit mbfoundation.com/financial-profile. 


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