Morris clarifies list of comments included in CL review report

Letter to readers from USMB National Director Don Morris


Dear USMB family:

The content of a recent Christian Leader article entitled, “CL to Implement Changes,” has caused some deep concerns for some in our USMB family that I would like to address. In my opinion, the article does a good job overall of informing us about the changes being implemented to enhance the content and the publication process of the Christian Leader. I want to express my deep appreciation for the CL Review Team that met during this last year and provided countless hours of input and brainstorming about how we could make CL better.

Many of the CL Review Team met in Denver in August 2021 for a couple of very productive days. During that time, comments, suggestions and observations were made by various members of the team that were then captured in the notes being taken of the process. In addition, those CL Review Team members who were not able to meet in Denver were given the opportunity to share their own personal suggestions and comments as well, via written form. As a collected list, these comments and suggestions, observations and wishes were not a part of the official proposal of six recommendations that were proposed by the CL Review Team and eventually affirmed by the USMB Leadership Board in October, 2021. Again, this list of comments, suggestions and observations were added information provided in the proposal document.

However, I made the choice to share that list of comments, suggestions, observations, etc. with the editor and associate editor when we met to talk through the new changes last November. I’m at fault for passing along this list while not making it clear to them that not all of the comments, suggestions and observations were the position of all CL Review Team members. Some of the comments added after the Denver CL Review Team meeting were quite specific and as part of the list were then later perceived as endorsed by all of the CL Review Team. This was not the case. Many of these comments were the opinion of one or some of the CL Review Team but should not have been considered as approved by all. Succinctly, some comments and statements in the added information to the proposal are positions that some on the CL Review Team would not sign their name to.

The conflagration that this has created is my doing. I want to apologize publicly to those who have been hurt by my actions, of collective categorizing and mishandling the list of comments that were made during the review process and especially apologize to CL Review Team members who were hurt by my actions and decisions. I’ll keep striving to do better.

Please pray for the new CL Editorial Committee, a diverse group that will provide considerable input for the Christian Leader in the months ahead. I also want to express my appreciation for Connie Faber, CL editor, and Janae Rempel, CL associate editor, who are both excellent writers and who have worked diligently to make the CL a resource that connects, informs and inspires our USMB family.


Don Morris

USMB national director


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