Tabor College, the Mennonite Brethren college located in Hillsboro, Kansas, announces a new student enrollment of 237 for the fall of 2020, up 34 percent in freshmen and an overall increase of 23 percent in the entering class, including transfers. The largest freshmen class in the history of the school accounts for 171 of the 237 new students.
Not only is this the largest number of new students in the history of Tabor College, but the mean grade point average for both freshmen and transfers is up over last year.
“I attribute the success of the 2020 recruiting class to God and his wonderful provision, but also to the diligent work by recruiters, coaches, faculty, staff and our constituents,” says Grant Myers, dean of enrollment.
Of particular interest, is the fact that this year’s freshmen class has 31 students from Mennonite Brethren churches across the United States representing the Southern, Central, Pacific and Latin American Districts.
“The significant increase in the number of students who attend MB churches is a result of effective scholarship programs, the hard work of our admissions recruiters and God’s favor,” says Rusty Allen, executive vice-president for operations. “We could not be more excited to see how the increased number of students from MB churches will positively impact our campus culture.”
The overall traditional head count enrollment for fall 2020 is 504 which represents a 1.8 percent increase from the fall of 2019. Tabor’s fall 2020 traditional students hail from 34 states and 14 countries.
With the initiation of a “Kingdom Awareness” and “Real World Readiness” approach to the college experience, Tabor College leaders believe they are positioned for equipping students to go into numerous vocations and bring more of heaven to earth.
“We believe the Tabor Promise and the Tabor Advantage appeal to students and their families,” says Allen. “We believe God is partnering with us and consider the stewardship of our students to be an honor and a privilege.”
College ranked by US News & World Report
For the 17th consecutive year, Tabor College has ranked in the Top 50 Midwest Regional Colleges in the US News & World Report’s 2021 Best Colleges edition. In addition to placing in the 49th position, Tabor also ranked seventh among the Most Innovative Schools category, 11th for Best Undergraduate Teaching and 27th in Top Performers in Social Mobility.
“Tabor College faculty seek to deliver a compelling curriculum that not only prepares students for meaningful careers, but to identify a vocation through which they can help make the world a better place,” says Frank Johnson, executive vice president of academics. “The US News & World Report ranking inspires us to redouble our efforts.”

Tabor College is the Mennonite Brethren college located in Hillsboro, Kansas, with a second campus in Wichita, Kansas. The mission of Tabor College is to prepare people for a life of learning, work and service for Christ and his kingdom.