Made in the image of God
They have Jesus this time. They know it too, as they rub their hands together gleefully. Off and on for three years the religious...
People or politics
I think it’s safe to say that all of us have relational scars after the last few election cycles. The tumultuous divisions over race,...
Called to care
I believe God has given humanity the framework of government to provide for order among people. Without order, chaos would be at every level....
Politics and the pursuit of peace
My family and I live in France, and we’ve found that this culture has a beautiful perspective on relationships. In French culture you can...
True evangelical politics
Christians do not have a corner on good and beneficial activities when it comes to politics. Christians and non-Christians think about political matters in...
Always alert and awake
War in the Middle East always sparks a renewed interest among Christians regarding what the Bible says about the end times, what theologians call...
Is the end here?
Since prehistoric times, humans have speculated about the end of world. In the early years of this century, the attention of many people around...
Christ’s return and the Anabaptist lens
US. Mennonite Brethren, as well as many other evangelicals, have been greatly influenced in their reading of Scripture, and specifically “end times” passages, by...